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New Website Design

How was your July fourth weekend?  I hope you had fun with family and/or friends.  You may have noticed that I didn't write any blog posts, I wasn't because I was away from the computer.  I was here creating a new website.  Fun, I know.

About a week ago I noticed that my previous version stopped working correctly and nothing I did fixed it.  I believe a browser update might have been the problem but I won't bore you with the details.  The bottom line is that the new site is up and running.  It has a few spots I want to tweak and I'll get to them soon.  It's just like potter to continue to want to fiddle with a thing we've made.

I really hope the site is as user friendly as possible.  I've been to other websites that are not and where it may not be the fault of whoever owns the site (unless they build websites for a living) it does tend to make the viewer a little frustrated.  Since this site might be seen by people who are considering buying my pottery or putting it in their show or gallery I really want it to be easy to use.

Future Relics Pottery webpage by Lori Buff
New Website

So if you have a few minutes and can pop over to and let me know what you think I'd appreciate it.  That way I can do all my tweaking at once.  I do know already that it doesn't look great on an iPad, that's one of the biggest things I need to change.

Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery by Lori Buff


  1. Jeff and I have been doing some research on having our website smartphone and tablet friendly. We found that our site looks pretty good on a tablet but needs some work. It's so hard to keep up with the ever changing technology.

  2. Are you at Mudfire studio this Friday? I'm flexible.....

    Garden & Be Well, XOT

  3. Good for you Lori...when I look at home page, the three columns kind of overlap...each box sometimes obscuring what was next to/behind it...probably because of the way I have my screen set up on computer. But that doesn't happen on other web sites, so maybe you can tweek it.

    1. Thanks Barbara, that's exactly the type of feed back I need. Hopefully when I fix it for iPad it'll look better on your screen too.


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