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Golden Cloud

via Instagram

Making It Easier

I've seen a lot of complaints about bloggers new capita verification, you know, that annoying box where you have to type the characters correctly but they are hard to read and you don't know if it's a zero or an "o" or a one or an "l."  I don't like them but google has the worst one.  So I've tried to eliminate it and stick strictly with moderated comments.  So your comment may have to wait several hours for me to get to it.  I'm sorry about that but it seems like a good trade off.  Of course if I get a lot of spam I'll have to do something else.  Maybe google will fix the verification before I get too much spam.

Why am I doing this?  Because I like your comments.  It makes this worthwhile to get your feedback and to know you're reading this.  So this is my thank you to you.

Here's a simple jar that came out of the last reduction firing.  It's becoming one of my favorites, I have to pack it up before I change my mind about selling it.

Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery


  1. That's a great jar, I tried to blow it up to see the surface colors closer but it didn't blow up. Yeah google, why do they have to have two verification words wouldn't one be enough? Geez.

    1. Thanks Linda, I try to use small images so they load quicker. I wasn't thinking that someone would like to enlarge the image to get a better look at my pots - doh!

  2. I use small images too, I think I read if I use larger images then google may get to capacity and then I'd have to start a new blog which I wouldn't want to do, so I know that can be an issue. Michele said she tried to blow up one of my pots to see the surface and then she went back later and it let her blow it up. I think there may be a way to increase the screen size, but I don't know how to do that with google chrome, the old explorer had a button at the bottom of the screen to do that.

  3. Cute jar indeed :) Golly, i sure do hate captchas of any kind so thanks!

    1. Thanks Gary, and you're welcome too. I can't promise that they will go away forever but I'll try. I hate spam more than captchas.

  4. Couldn't agree more about the word verification. NICE POT!!!

  5. Ditto! :-) love the jar, hate captchas. Greatly appreciate you making this easier to post and hope moderating works out well.

  6. I am definitely one complaining about that verification thing! I just can't read those crazy letters. I turned off my verification thing, I think, but I don't know for sure since I don't send myself messages. I haven't had any spam issues though..... very nice jar!

  7. I am a terrible speller as it is and those crazy words really mess with me. Kown that I am still reading!


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