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Golden Cloud

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Wheelbarrow Festival in Reynoldstown This Saturday

The Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival is celebrating its 16th annual event on Saturday, September 10, 2011.
This festival has grown over its 16 year history into a rich and diverse family festival. Providing eclectic, beautiful and savory fare that appeals to all audiences, this year's festival will not disappoint.
The purpose of the Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival is to use art and artistic expressions to empower residents with support and recognition in their quest to grow and maintain the neighborhood they call home. The festival is also a leadership development tool for community residents to organize the festival and head the needed committees and leadership positions. All the proceeds from the festival go to neighborhood revitalization and public safety.

More Stuff:
AM 1690 Artist's Market
Music Schedule
Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery


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