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To Be or Not To Be?

Telephone Factory Art Show Logo

To be or not to be...
2011 Telephone Factory Art Show?

2011 Telephone Factory Art Show Status
Rumors buzzed about 2010 being the last year for the Telephone Factory Art Show (TFAS) and it would appear that the rumor intends to hold true. There've been a number of changes at the Telephone Factory Lofts and in the lives of many of the founding artists who live(d) there, so we're calling for a show of hands for interest from Hosts, Guest and Resident Artists who participated in the 2010 Show. Wanna have another go at it in 2011? 'Twould be such a shame for a much anticipated annual event to fade away.

2011 Telephone Factory Art Show Survey
As has always been true, folks who participated in The Show in previous years get the first say in this matter because it is your Show. Please take our survey to let us know your level of interest in creating a 2011 Show. Please respond by September 16, 2011. If the majority of responses are positive, we'll form a 2011 TFAS Committee and charge ahead with planning from there. If the majority of responses are negative or unsure, well...sadly, that'll be the end of one of the Atlanta's longest running art events.  Please email with your thoughts about continuing this show.  We are especially interested in hearing from residents who would be hosting artists.

General Telephone Factory Art Show Info

Who Participates
Resident Artists, Guest Artists and Hosts

The Telephone Factory Lofts
828 Ralph McGill Boulevard, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30306

First weekend in December

E-mail us at

Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery


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