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Golden Cloud

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What To Do When You Are Down

Do you ever get a little down this time of year? Maybe it's the holidays, maybe it's just because it's winter and we can't go play in the sun. Maybe it's memories of something sad, many of my friends seem to be dealing with those issues.  Whatever the reason it's not really good to spend the day with the blues unless it's some good blues tunes.  So maybe it's a good time to crank up some Leadbelly or Stevie Ray Vaughn and do something creative.

For me it was carving this little jar I threw the other day.  It's always helpful for me to have some music while I carve, I guess my hand just likes to go with the rhythm.  

What do you do to pick yourself up when you're down?


  1. I tried to remember some of the positive things about life.
    And that I am still here even though some of my favorites people are not.
    I like to imagine me and the sister having a laugh...

    1. Hey Meredith, spending time with your sister in spirit seems like a really great way to put a smile on your face.

  2. Down? Ooof. Exercise to get the blood pumping!

  3. Shot of tequila and some Black Eyed Peas on the iPod, haha!
    Sweet little carved pot:)

  4. Music and chocolate help a little.
    Love your carvings <3

    1. Thanks, and chocolate is the solution to everything...feeling bad, have some chocolate, feeling good, celebrate with chocolate.

  5. Chocolate yes, a trip to the beach or an arboretum or nursery or public garden, "play" with a new form in clay. Can't wait for January.

    1. Great suggestions Linda, we have a terrific botanical garden here in Atlanta, it can always make me happy.

  6. favorite pajamas, a glass of wine, and a good book to escape into.


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