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Golden Cloud

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Washing Bowls

A recent post on the wonderful blog zenhabits was about ways to simplify our lives.  The post gives several wonderful suggestions but the one that resonated the most with me was to wash your bowl.  My kitchen has a dishwasher and it gets used.  I am very happy to finish my meal and toss the bowl or dish into the dishwasher.  I even tell my customers that all of my functional pots are dishwasher safe because I'm not going to be hand washing my dishes, I use them everyday.

Serving Bowl
So why did this resonate with lazy me?  Because I use handmade bowls, we have quite a collection of great pottery bowls from lots of different artist, and my rejects (yes, I keep many of my 2nds and use them).  By taking a moment and mindfully washing the bowl, feeling the finger marks, touching the lip and the foot, thinking about the artist that made it I feel even more connected to the piece and the artists, which is weird when the artists is me but you get the idea.  Try it.

Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery


  1. I sent a link of that post to my family who must think that my sole purpose in life is to wash their cups and bowls! The bowl washing struck a cord with me too. I love that blog, so much wisdom!

    1. Hey Tracey, actually, now that I think about it you were the one that turned me on to that blog. Thanks for that, it really is great.

  2. After a dinner party I don't want my guests to do any kitchen work.

    It's my pleasure & extended joy to get the dishes, pots, table & etc. done. Actions of thanks.

    Garden & Be Well, XO T

    1. That's a beautiful sentiment Tara, thank you.

  3. I tell my customers the same thing about my pottery being food and dishwasher safe, many of them say, really? especially if it is an unusual shaped piece not normally seen in the big box stores. Perhaps folks are expect or want to hand wash better dishware. Gary always tells me he can tell a lot about a car if he hand washes it, he says he can feel any dents or imperfections (if it's been in a wreck), in a car you want the metal to be smooth, but it's the opposite for pottery, you want to feel the makers mark.

    1. Gary is right, I always want to hand wash or even wax a used car before making the purchase. Ron Phillbeck wrote a post one time about an interaction with a customer that was purchasing a $90 bowl from him and asked if it was dishwasher safe. He thought, sure, if you want to put a $90 bowl in the dishwasher go for it. The pots might be able to handle the dishwasher better than we can handle the thought of it with some pieces.

  4. Since moving to NC I am dishwasher less, unless you count me! The only time I miss it is when I am super busy or have a crowd for dinner (which isn't often). When I have time I enjoy washing dishes. It gives you that extra time to enjoy the handmade pots in a different way.
    ... and I keep many of my seconds as well :-)

    1. Exactly! How do you feel about guests helping clean the dishes?

  5. We don't have a dishwasher in our ancient house, so I frequently get the experience (when my 11-year old is sick of being "dishwasher") to wash all of my (and other potters) handmade ware. I get a lot of my ideas and brainstorms about design and next steps when I'm washing and enjoying beautiful pottery. It's kind of like brainstorming in the shower - must be something about the soothing nature of warm water. :) Lovely and thoughtful post, as usual.

    1. Thanks Julia, it must be those negative ions that produce good feelings.

  6. I have been our dishwasher for there another kind ? ;)

    1. Yes, and they are really pretty great inventions.

  7. OH, I cook and he cleans. He is so well trained in this department. Unless we have a crowd and then we turn up the radio and wash and dry together.
    I do hand wash some pots and like to laugh at them and say- what makes you so special? Then I say oh, yeah I know you don't fit in the dishwasher and I would cry if something happen to you because X made you and I fell in love with you and brought you home to live with me.
    Yes, we use the dishwasher for plates, cups, smallish bowls... and I do love it.
    But there are other pieces I hand wash myself.
    Besides we have been together over 40 years. That is a lot of meals and a lot of dishes.
    Great Post Lori!

    1. Thanks Meredith. That's a great arrangement you and Mark have. It sounds like you've had 40 years of fun.


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