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Golden Cloud

via Instagram


After reading Jen Mecca's Pottery Blog about her quest to get non-commercial Valentines cards for her kids I started thinking about what commercialism means to me.  This is something I think about often as an artist trying to sell my work and as a consumer.  Yes, I hate commercialism and I see my art in a completely different realm as Hello Kitty wares.  I really don't think promoting my art is anything at all like how commercialism jambs stuff down peoples throats and is always in our faces (and I don't even own a TV).  For Valentines Day my partner and I generally share a romantic dinner for two and really remember to appreciate each other.  To us, that's a great way to spend the love holiday.  However, my father earned his living for many years selling greeting cards.  Valentines Day was a huge money maker which was supposed to provide the majority of the income in our house until Christmas or at least Mother's Day.  Fellow artists know the feeling, a big show or sale is often the primary source of income for the better part of a year.  I don't know if anyone still makes a living selling greeting cards store to store anymore.  And I was really glad to hear that Jen was able to find environmental and socially responsible cards for her kids.  I just got to thinking about how the really commercial holidays impact the small family; I thought I should keep that in mind before I reject these events.
Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery


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