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I Like Big Bowls and I Cannot Lie

Some potters joke "If you can't make it good make it big and if you can't make it big make it blue."  I make fairly large, blue bowls.  What does that say about me, haha.

Handmade Blue and Green serving bowl by Future Relics Pottery
Blue and Green Serving Bowl

All kidding aside, large pots are very impressive.  It takes a good bit of talent to make one and have it live through the firings without breaking.  Especially if you're doing something like wood firing and face it, many large pots can only fit into a large kiln.  Sometimes that means wood firing and that's pretty risky.  Mine are never that big, yet.

Teal, Burgundy and Cream Serving Bowl by Lori Buff
Teal, Burgundy and Cream Serving Bowl

We really do need big bowls in our lives.  Maybe not giant ones but bowls large enough to use as serving bowls when your family and friends gather for meals.  Maybe the bowl will hold pasta, or maybe it will hold pop corn.  In any case, a generous bowl is very nice to have for those occasions.

Hand Crafted Blue and Green Carved Serving Bowl by Future Relics Pottery
Blue and Green Carved Serving Bowl

They also make great fruit bowls.  It's more attractive to have your delicious, fresh fruit displayed in a   large, hand crafted bowl than just hidden away in a refrigerator drawer.  I don't know about you but I'm also far more likely to eat the fruit if it's out and easily accessible.  If I have to go searching for a snack something unhealthy may be seen and eaten while the healthy fruit is forgotten.  It's sad, it's not smart but that's what I do.

One day I'd like to make the sinks for my house, it's a pretty good dream.  This guy could throw a
swimming pool.  Enjoy.

This potter is Jeff Blandford and the video is pretty fun.

Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery by Lori Buff


  1. Jeff B. came out to the Clay on Fire Arts Festival, held at Ouida Newell's pottery studio and farm in Carthage, NC this month. He did his big bowl demo. I missed it, it was my Jeff's turn to go while I watched the shop.
    Everyone needs big bowls in their life!

    1. Lucky Jeff, it's always so amazing to watch someone make something that large.

  2. There is always something new to strive and dream about making in clay. Large steep bowls are good when you have to whip something up and don't want everything to splatter all over the place.

    1. You're right Linda. I was listening to "Smitten Kitchen" on NPR a few weeks ago and she said the same thing.

  3. can't make a double batch of bread without a big bowl!


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