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Golden Cloud

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Woman Pots

Today is the last wet working day, meaning anything we want to put into a glaze kiln needs to be complete by about 5PM today. Sooner would be better so they can dry.  I'll have some pieces ready for the glaze firing if I can get them dry without them breaking.

These pots are what I've been working on, Jim suggested that I make 3 - 5 so I can build on what I've learned from each piece.  The first one took a lot longer to make than the last.  I learned something from each pot and tried new steps to make them better.  I can tell the progression but I wonder if I will be able to in a few months.  I purposefully made each one different since no too people are exactly alike, even identical twins.  I also tried to make them look like real woman's bodies.  Venus has been done, there is beauty in our bodies even with lumps and sags and scars.  My hope is that people will see that in these.
Woman Pots
We are unloading Julia today, I have a tea pot and a couple of mugs in her, cross your fingers that the kiln gods were kind.


  1. When I worked at Claymakers, there was a girl there that made pots/vases with the female form out of porcelain and glazed them white fired to ^10. They were always so pretty. I'm sure you will be bringing home so much that will inform your future work :)

    1. Yes Tracey, I've experienced that each time I've come here. I'm wondering what this will bring.

  2. Those are cool, can't wait to see them fired and I hope your work in the kiln right now is ok.

    1. Thanks Linda, it just went in so we'll see tomorrow.

  3. I like them! excited to see the finished product!

  4. These are fantastic. I love the differences in each. True to nature, true to the human form.

  5. I love that I have the same name as your kiln - hopefully she is kindhearted and smart LOL

    1. This kiln is actually at Penland and she is kindhearted and smart.


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