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Golden Cloud

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Starting an Art Stroll?

This past weekend I had the good fortune and pleasure to be invited to the home of collage artist Patty Young for an art show.  She also invited assemblage artist Elise Aronson so we had 3 days of conversation about art and how to solve all the problems of the world.  Naturally it was mostly about art and it was totally fun.

At Last by Patty Young

 I’m a very private person and my house is a very personal space of me so in my opinion opening up one’s house like that feels very vulnerable and generous.  It turns out that it was a lot of fun.  Most of the people that came and visited were not only very respectful of the home and the art but they were very happy to visit and get to know a little about us artists as well as sharing pieces of their lives.  It was very nice and very personal.  I really enjoyed the experience and I feel like the customers did also.  If nothing else it beat the heck out of being at a mall.

Assemblage Jewelry by Elise Aronson

We also got a chance to meet a few other people in the neighborhood who are artists.  Several expressed interest in doing the same thing and the idea of an art stroll through the neighborhood emerged.  I think that would be a lot fun for the artists and the visitors as well as a great way to give people a community building experience that they are less likely to find in the big box stores.  I’m pretty excited about being at the start of this opportunity.

Handcrafted soup mug and serving bowl by Lori Buff
Serving Bowl and Soup Mug by Lori Buff

Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery by Lori Buff


  1. It can be a little weird having strangers walking about your house! Here in Seagrove we have had people walk right into the house thinking it was the pottery studio/gallery... even though we have two open flags right in front the retail building.
    An art stroll is great idea since you have so many artists in close proximity.

    1. That’s funny Michèle, I have had lots of people tell me they thought my studio was a house...a very tiny house. UPS even delivered a package there once.

  2. I feel the same way about my home and studio. It's my space, my sanctuary. That being said I am considering ways of becoming a part of the wider world.

    1. I thought it was a good experience and helped to build stronger connections, you should try it Suzi.


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