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Golden Cloud

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Enjoying Other's Art

Here are three pieces of art that hang on my living room wall.  The painting is by Don Thacker who I showed with at the Telephone Factory Lofts Show in December.  The blue plate is by Bill Campell.  It was a gift to Janet a few years ago because she loves his work.  And the fumed plate is a joint effort of Linda and Charlie Riggs and me.  Charlie threw the plate, gave it to me and then I decorated it as he and Linda had taught me in a workshop.
The little collection makes me happy, I hope it makes others happy too.
Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery


  1. It makes me happy, but I think the painting needs to come down just a couple more inches. ;-)

  2. I love the artwork, especially the plates....
    I keep meaning to take pictures and post them to you of the plates we have up on our living room wall.

  3. Anonymous - I bet you're always saying that about paintings ;-)

    Gary, please show me the pictures of the plates, I'd love to see them.


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