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Last Soda Kiln Load

Where did the summer go? It seems to have melted away like ice cream in July. Now we have loaded the last soda kiln for the summer quarter at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center which means the season feels like it’s coming to a close. The good news is that we do have something to look forward to since unloading a kiln is like Christmas in July.

Callanwolde soda kiln by Future Relics Gallery
Last Soda Kiln Load

I’m especially excited about this load because I have a couple of pieces in there that are experiments. It seems that so often I’m experimenting but hey, that keeps it exciting. Right?

The kiln is split up between two classes, the morning class gets the front so they will get the first peek at their pots. My class is an evening class so we get to load first. It all works out.

I haven’t decided if I’m going to take a class there this fall. I’ve really enjoyed being there but I am worried that I’ll be spreading my time too thin. It’s okay, I can always sign up for the winter quarter if I realize that I do have the ability to dedicate myself to a class. IN the meantime, I’ve signed up for August Access so I’ll still be able to use the studio and kilns.  It’ll be fun.

Check out the gallery page - Future Relics Gallery by Lori Buff


  1. I spy some nice bottle shapes on the left, have a good firing.

  2. I know, I can't help experimenting too, and good luck with this load!


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