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Showing posts from August, 2019


Golden Cloud

via Instagram

Distillery tour and tasting with mom

Another Soda Kiln Gets Loaded

Good friends

#Repost @natgeo with @get_repost ・・・ Photo by Frans Lanting @franslanting | A lone bull elephant stands at the edge of a water hole, swaying his tail and rumbling as only elephants can do, while the sky turns blood red on a winter evening in Botswana. I share this image to mark World Elephant Day, a time to reflect on what elephants mean to us, what we’ve been doing to them, and what we can do for them. I’d like to draw attention to the organizations that have forged a strong coalition aimed at reversing the poaching crisis that has decimated elephant populations almost everywhere. The @ElephantCrisisFund was established by @SaveTheElephants in partnership with @LeonardoDiCaprioFdn and @WildNetOrg. They support the right people in the right places and they are making a real difference. Check them out and lend your support so they can do even better. And follow @FransLanting for more intimate encounters with elephants. @ThePhotoSociety #Elephants #Respect #Dignity #Conservation #Wonder

New Glaze Combination